ISNI: 0000000480326608 Ringgold ID: 558498
ISNI: 0000000480326608 Ringgold ID: 558498

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CSRC Publishing, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan endeavors to highlight the sustainability issues and challenges in emerging and developing countries with a focus on social and behavioral sciences by coordinating publication of open access peer-reviewed research journals, edited books and conference proceedings. The journals published by CSRC Publishing are independently managed by the editorial board of respective journals and follow open access copyright and licensing policy (TADACC-BY-NC 4.0 international).

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Our Journals

The publishing and ownership of Review of Economics and Development Studies (READS) have been transferred to South Punjab Center for Research and Development – Pakistan (SPCRD) w.e.f MARCH 9TH, 2020. Click the link for details

cover page-READS - Copy

Review of Economics and Development Studies [New Journal Website]
ISSN: 2519-9692
ISSN(Online): 2519-9706
Frequency: Quarterly

The ownership and publishing transferred to SPCRD w.e.f March 9th 2020.

cover page-JBSEE

Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies
ISSN: 2519-089X
ISSN(Online): 2519-0326
Editor’s Email:
Frequency: Quarterly

cover page-JAFEE

Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies
ISSN: 2519-0318
ISSN(Online): 2518-8488
Editor’s Email:
Frequency: Quarterly

SBSEE-cover page

Sustainable Business and Society in Emerging Economies
ISSN: 2708-2504
ISSN(Online): 2708-2172
Editor’s Email:
Frequency: Quarterly

RELATE-cover page-vol 1 issue 1 2019

Responsible Education, Learning and Teaching in Emerging Economies
ISSN: 2708-4310
ISSN(Online): 2708-4183
Editor’s Email:
Frequency: Biannual

ROPE Cover Page Vol 1 Issue 1 2019

Review of Politics and Public Policy in Emerging Economies
ISSN: 2708-3829
ISSN(Online): 2708-356X
Editor’s Email:
Frequency: Biannual