Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies

new-cover page-JAFEE-vol 3 no 2

Editor in Chief:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohana Binti Jani
Managing Editor:
Prof. Dr. Rehana Kouser


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Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 2519-0318
ISSN(Online): 2518-8488

In order to maintain academic independence of JAFEE, the editorial board has decided to charge NO FEE for submission and publication of articles (No Article Processing Charges). The journal is independently and voluntarily managed by the editorial board whose members are academic staff from renowned institutions.  

In order to meet its financial needs to run the journal smoothly, CSRC Publishing and JAFEE has relied to frame its unique business model which is based on following.

a) Volunteer admin staff and editorial board comprising of PhD scholars and faculty members who render their services without any fixed salary.
b) Funding support from Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy which seeks to promote Green Model of Publishing of its publishing division, CSRC Publishing, with no pay walls and and open access policy.
c) The published authors are offered to buy 10 reprints of the journal issue for a total nominal charge of USD 75 including the courier charges.
d) Funding from HEC Pakistan: The journal has sought recognition and funding from Higher Education Commission Pakistan to cover part of the cost of running the journal.
e) Annual Conference Fees: The Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy holds annual conferences of its various national and international chapters to further its mission to highlight sustainability issues in emerging and developing economies. The CSRC utilizes the funds generated from conference fee to support its annual conferences and academic activities including support to CSRC Publishing to run its Green Publishing Model.
f) Language editing and proofreading may be required by the journal editorial for the papers accepted for publication after independent review process. The publisher may charge fee for template setting, language editing and proofreading service to cover part of the publication cost. The authors, however, are not restricted to use CSRC Language and Editing Service and rather may opt to use other professional services.

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Sadia Zulfiqar
Research and IT Executive
Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan