Quality of Listing Firms in Equity Primary Market in Kenya

  • Samuel Kinyuah United States International University – Africa
Keywords: Low-quality listings, Earnings Management, Growth Opportunities, Financial Efficiency


Purpose: Kenya has experienced a drought in initial public offerings (IPOs) since 2014. Among varied causes of IPO Drought is decline in demand of IPO shares by retail investors. This paper assert decline in demand is partially attributed to low-quality listings in the past that underperformed in both short- and long-run. Design: The paper investigated quality of listing firms at the time of listing on all IPOs made between 2000 to 2014 in Nairobi Securities Exchange using various dimensions.

Findings: The results revealed most of listing firms lacked growth opportunities, reported weak financial performances and engaged in earnings managements. Liberal listing guidelines aiming at attracting firms to list in numbers led to low-quality offerings.

Implication: Strategy of liberal listing requirements is counterproductive as demand for the listings keep shrinking due to low-quality of listed firms that underperform in long-run. The study recommends reviewing of listing requirements so that only high-quality firms are allowed to list to keep the market vibrant. As long as low quality offerings are allowed, retail IPO investors will keep off the market as they suffer adverse selection costs


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Author Biography

Samuel Kinyuah, United States International University – Africa

United States International University – Africa


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How to Cite
Kinyuah, S. (2024). Quality of Listing Firms in Equity Primary Market in Kenya. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 10(2), 177-188. https://doi.org/10.26710/jafee.v10i2.2982