Mentoring and Organizational Performance: A Review of Effects of Mentoring on Small and Medium Enterprises

  • Muzaffar Hussain Shah Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Abdul Rahim bin Othman Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Mohd Najib bin Mansor Universiti Utara Malaysia
Keywords: Mentoring, SME, Small business performance


Mentoring has gained substantial attention in small and medium enterprises in recent years due to its high impact on business performance. Several studies have delineated the impact of mentoring on small and medium enterprises and found mentoring is helpful for improving organizational performance and transferring information from experienced entrepreneurs to inexperienced or les experienced entrepreneurs which leads to higher productivity of organization, better job satisfaction, and retention of workers. This study reviews the literature of mentoring and the components of mentoring. Findings of the study depict that mentoring has a positive impact on business performance. Moreover, the results also implicate significant decision-making suggestions for SMEs that improved business performance can be achieved by enabling efficient mentoring programs. These programs would benefits employee as well as the organization. Mentoring programs not only increase the value of employees but also the effectiveness of the business.


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How to Cite
Hussain Shah, M., bin Othman, A. R., & bin Mansor, M. N. (2016). Mentoring and Organizational Performance: A Review of Effects of Mentoring on Small and Medium Enterprises. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 2(2), 143-158.