Sustainable Ecosystems, Health and Rehabilitation Review in Emerging Economies (SEHAR)

SBSEE-cover page-vol 1 issue 1 2019

Editor in Chief:
Prof. Dr. K. Kuperan Viswanathan


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Publication Frequency: Biannual

The journal,  Sustainable Ecosystems, Health and Rehabilitation Review in Emerging Economies (SEHAR) is a biannual, international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal published by Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan. The Journal publishes papers in all fields of Health Management, Health Policy, Medical Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Health Economics, Medical Tourism, Population and Family Welfare with a focus on sustainable health care solutions in emerging and developing economies.  It caters to the needs of health policy-makers, health managers, medical practitioners and professionals, reflective practitioners and action-oriented researchers. The journal seeks submission of research papers and case studies from diverse disciplines and perspectives from researchers, policy makers and practitioners involved direclty or indirectly in health care systems. The journal is adhering to guideliens and recommendations by COPE and HEC Pakistan.


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